9月30日(金)午後7時30分~NHKにて「HENROを世界の中心に! ITで四国遍路をアップデート!」が放送されました。
Friday, September 30, a TV program called “HENRO o Sekaino Chushinni! IT de Shikoku Henro o Update!” was broadcast on NHK.
Ai Oyama and Yuuki Bando from SHGA participated in this project to develop applications that can solve problems faced by pilgrims.
The participants were divided into teams and each team had two weeks to come up with a protocol for their app.
The apps we have made were so wonderful that if put to practical use, they will surely be helpful for the pilgrims! Participating in this project also allowed us to rethink the problems of the Shikoku pilgrimage and reconfirm what SHGA should be doing now.
If you missed the broadcast, It will be shown on NHK Plus for two weeks.
Incidentally, our advisor, Mr. David Moreton , and our supporting members, Mr. Shinryo Taniguchi and Mr. Harris Nate, also appeared in this program☺.